For those who were not able to be at services Wednesday night.... you were not alone! Seems that there's a cold going around that several people have caught.
Besides that, Doris was with Ann, who was admitted to ECM because of her high blood pressure and because the doctor thought the baby was stressed. They're giving Ann steroids to boost the baby's lung development in case he comes early. The baby's situation seemed better this morning, and Ann is hoping to come home tonight.
Phil's dad, Glen Keenon, was in Huntsville Hospital with congestive heart failure, but he was improving as of Wednesday night.
Jerry is having a lot of pain in his knee; he was to see the doctor today to get the results from an MRI and discuss treatment -- probably surgery.
Sure hope the sick improve and the well stay that way!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What's happening?
Hey! How's everybody doing? It's a busy time of the year! My sister Pam and her husband are coming in from Missouri on Friday, Lord willing. Sommer and Katie both have part time jobs for a few days. Actually, KT is just babysitting for a couple of days, but Sommer is working for Verizon in Decatur through a temp agency.
Does anyone know if there will be a New Year's get together this year?
Does anyone know if there will be a New Year's get together this year?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Enjoyed the gathering, loved the gift.
We really enjoyed being together with everyone last night. New Georgia people are just the best! (and the food was pretty good too)
Sandi and I were really touched by the gift. A lot of love is in that quilt, and we want everyone to know how much we appreciate it and how much we love ya'll.
The video was cute; it looked like the ladies had quite a bit of fun doing the quilting.
Sandi and I were really touched by the gift. A lot of love is in that quilt, and we want everyone to know how much we appreciate it and how much we love ya'll.
The video was cute; it looked like the ladies had quite a bit of fun doing the quilting.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday's announcements
Those we mentioned for prayer in the announcements tonight included:
- The James Adams family; James' brother-in-law Glen Ingram past away this morning.
- Joyce Cagle had a medical test this week (I believe to check her aorta) and is to have another test on the 12th; she's having a lot of leg pain.
- Doyce Richardson's nephew's wife (Malissa Richardson) has a malignant tumor in her eye. They are planning to do surgery.
- Elaine P. and Caleb T. are both under the weather.
Pray without ceasing!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Just an update on Mother. She is feeling better every day. She was very tired Sunday after being up so long but really enjoyed being at Church. She misses being there and was so happy to be able to go. Thank you all for your prayers on her behalf. We really do appreciate everyone at New Georgia.
Love you all, Susan
Love you all, Susan
By popular demand...
I got a couple of requests for copies of the poem I read at the end of Sunday night's sermon. Here it is:
Second Coming of Christ: 'Twas The Night Before Jesus Came
'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their Bibles were laid on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on lap,
was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the East there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray I knew in a moment this must be The Day!
The light of His face made me cover my head It was Jesus! returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His hand Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame.
The people whose names had been written with love He gathered to take to His Father above. With those who were ready He rose in the air While all the rest were left standing there.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late; I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only, if only I’d been ready tonight.
--- Adapted from Bethany Farms
Second Coming of Christ: 'Twas The Night Before Jesus Came
'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their Bibles were laid on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on lap,
was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the East there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray I knew in a moment this must be The Day!
The light of His face made me cover my head It was Jesus! returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His hand Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame.
The people whose names had been written with love He gathered to take to His Father above. With those who were ready He rose in the air While all the rest were left standing there.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late; I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only, if only I’d been ready tonight.
--- Adapted from Bethany Farms
Friday, November 30, 2007
Geral's Birthday
Geral's birthday is Tuesday, Dec. 4 and we were going to try to have birthday cake at the nursing home around 6:30 that evening, if anyone else would like to/be able to come. We will try to use the same room we did this in before a few years ago. I don't think he would really need or have room for any gifts. He doesn't eat sweets or snacks hardly at all. Our attention would probably be the gift he would enjoy the most! Also, does anyone have any information on Willie T?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We had a good singing tonight. I'm thankful for that! I'm very thankful to be a part of New Georgia. Ya'll are such an encouragement. I'm thankful that my girls made it home safely for a holiday visit. And I'm thankful for LOTS of other things that would fill up pages of this blog. What are some of the things YOU'RE thankful for?
Let's remember Willie T. She's in a terrific amount of pain in her back. She has an appointment Monday at the Spine Center in Madison.
James C. is still having trouble getting his sugar regulated with insulin.
Bert has been having a good bit of pain in her knees.
Pray without ceasing!
Let's remember Willie T. She's in a terrific amount of pain in her back. She has an appointment Monday at the Spine Center in Madison.
James C. is still having trouble getting his sugar regulated with insulin.
Bert has been having a good bit of pain in her knees.
Pray without ceasing!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Update on Joseph
Mary Faye called a few minutes ago. They did another cat scan on Joseph and didn't find anything. They decided he was having a migraine and started giving him some IV pain medication.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
This is Ashley (I'm writing from my mother's account until I can get my own up and running) and I just wanted to let everyone know that some of us thought that it was time that we had a pot luck. We have the lunchroom at LCHS reserved for Saturday night, November 17th - I hope this is a convenient date for everyone to come. Bring a dish and/or a drink (There is an ice machine in the lunchroom). Also, bring any games that you may want to play. We plan to eat around 6:00. Please help me pass the word to others so that everyone is included. Hope to see you there!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Doris said that Sarah's procedure went well. She has 4 stiches in her head, but is doing fine.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday's update
Several were not feeling well enough to be out with us Wednesday night: James & Willa Jean, Betty Boyd, Willie T & Gloria Peek. There could be others.
Eugene is to get the results of his stress test back today.
Daniel Burns has to have a stress test next Wednesday. He's been having some chest pain and the doctor thinks there is fluid around his heart.
Sarah's surgery is tomorrow morning.
Everyone keep our gospel meeting in your prayers.
Eugene is to get the results of his stress test back today.
Daniel Burns has to have a stress test next Wednesday. He's been having some chest pain and the doctor thinks there is fluid around his heart.
Sarah's surgery is tomorrow morning.
Everyone keep our gospel meeting in your prayers.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Hagan Cooper's passing
Hagan Cooper passed away suddenly this morning. Apparently he was loading some cows and had a heart attack. The services are pending, but will probably be at Elkins.
Brother Cooper worked hard in the Lord's vineyard and was certainly loved by many.
Brother Cooper worked hard in the Lord's vineyard and was certainly loved by many.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sarah's surgery
Doris wanted everyone to know that Sarah's surgery to remove the cyst on her head will be FRIDAY at Huntsville Hospital, not Thursday.
Keep her in your prayers.
Keep her in your prayers.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
November 1st current and future happenings
- Eugene Cagle has a stress test today.
- Willie T. is going to the doctor for the problem she's having in her hips.
- Donna has a doctor's appointment in B'ham today.
- Brian and Amy are still here (Natalie came up to me last night after church and said "I am here" after I'd announced that they were out of town. Apparently their trying to get everyone well enough to travel)
- Remember our Gospel Meeting November 11-14. Announcement fliers are available at the building and the info is also posted on our website --
What's the story on Karla hitting the deer? I gathered from what Tonya told me that she wasn't hurt. Did it mess up her truck? And more importantly, did the deer have antlers? ;-)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Charlotte's Good News
Just wanted to let everyone know that Charlotte called yesterday and she received good news. Her doctor told her that her lungs have had significant improvement. God has answered many prayers.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'll try it too
Even though this feels too much like public speaking to me, I will give it a whirl.... Jena & Tim are traveling to the Smokies this morning with Tim B.'s family, to stay for a few days. Seems like my family is having trouble staying in the same state lately....
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Good day!
We had a good day today. It was great to see the 23 extra Cagles there this morning. Willa Jean told them that's what she wanted for her 80th birthday!
Amy, Lana and Sandi were all out tonight with migraines -- must be something in the Fall air.
Brian was telling me after church that his grandmother Carol Drain has ovarian cancer. They were able to remove about 90% of it, but didn't get it all apparently. He's going to see her in Waycross, GA later this week.
I overheard that the Richardsons are on their way back, and they went to church in Dumas, TX today. Seems like they've been gone forever!
Thanks to all the ladies for the gifts for my Mom. I think we'll give her one each day -- a daily pick-me-up. BTW, anyone who wants to stop in and visit with Mom is welcome anytime. She usually naps from about 1:00 to 3:30 every afternoon, but other than that, she'd be up to see anyone anytime.
We've got lots of things to pray about and to be thankful for.
Amy, Lana and Sandi were all out tonight with migraines -- must be something in the Fall air.
Brian was telling me after church that his grandmother Carol Drain has ovarian cancer. They were able to remove about 90% of it, but didn't get it all apparently. He's going to see her in Waycross, GA later this week.
I overheard that the Richardsons are on their way back, and they went to church in Dumas, TX today. Seems like they've been gone forever!
Thanks to all the ladies for the gifts for my Mom. I think we'll give her one each day -- a daily pick-me-up. BTW, anyone who wants to stop in and visit with Mom is welcome anytime. She usually naps from about 1:00 to 3:30 every afternoon, but other than that, she'd be up to see anyone anytime.
We've got lots of things to pray about and to be thankful for.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Okay, I will try it!
Can't have Cathy getting all the praise, so I'll have to give it a try! So sorry about Carolyn's diagnosis. I hope, and am praying, that all goes well.
Ashley and Dustin are on their way home! They spent the night near Oklahoma City and expect to be home before dark, if the Lord is willing. It has been almost three weeks since Gloria and I have seen our babies. Of course with cell phones, they have been in constant contact. Please pray for their safe return home. I think the rest of the crew will probably start home within the next few days.
Ashley and Dustin are on their way home! They spent the night near Oklahoma City and expect to be home before dark, if the Lord is willing. It has been almost three weeks since Gloria and I have seen our babies. Of course with cell phones, they have been in constant contact. Please pray for their safe return home. I think the rest of the crew will probably start home within the next few days.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I believe that I am now officially a blogger. Thanks to Steve for mentioning Carolyn. We do ask for all your prayers on her behalf. We are searching for thyroid surgeons in Birmingham. If you know of someone who has had thyroid surgery, please let us know. The more information we have the better.
I apologize for being so long on the directory. Hopefully, I will be able to finish it next week. Be sure you make any changes you need to before then.
I apologize for being so long on the directory. Hopefully, I will be able to finish it next week. Be sure you make any changes you need to before then.
Early morning post
Well, it's about 5:30 in the morning and mom just called me into her room for the second time tonight to ask if it is time to go to preaching. ;-)
I was sorry to hear that Carolyn's lab report came back positive for thyroid cancer. This kind of thing always creates a lot of anxiety. Everyone remember to keep her and the family in your prayers.
I forgot to announce that the Cagle's sister Shirley had a fall and is not doing well.
I also forgot to mention that Cathy wants everyone to check the directory in the foyer to make sure that your information is accurate, before she does a re-printing.
We missed several families Wednesday night, and I need to call to see how they're doing; off the top of my head the Adams, Boyds, Gautneys x 2, and Fields were all out and of course all the Richardson clan was still traveling.
In blogging news, several have gone through the process of signing up and can now author original posts themselves. So post already!
I was sorry to hear that Carolyn's lab report came back positive for thyroid cancer. This kind of thing always creates a lot of anxiety. Everyone remember to keep her and the family in your prayers.
I forgot to announce that the Cagle's sister Shirley had a fall and is not doing well.
I also forgot to mention that Cathy wants everyone to check the directory in the foyer to make sure that your information is accurate, before she does a re-printing.
We missed several families Wednesday night, and I need to call to see how they're doing; off the top of my head the Adams, Boyds, Gautneys x 2, and Fields were all out and of course all the Richardson clan was still traveling.
In blogging news, several have gone through the process of signing up and can now author original posts themselves. So post already!
Monday, October 22, 2007
About making new posts...
Ok, I thought that anyone could just start a new post, but apparently I have to add your email address to my "administrators' permissions" Soooo, everyone who wants to start new posts (and hopefully that's everyone) send me an e-mail from the e-mail account you used to register for your google membership.
Send to
Send to
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Enjoyed the Singing! Here's the news:
Among those not feeling well enough to be out with us tonight were Bert, Ruth, Betty, Joyce and the Maxwells.
Willie T is having lots problems with her hips.
Much of the Richardson clan is traveling. Does anyone have an update????
TIP: I've just discovered that you can view a post and its comments better by clicking on the underlined title. Try clicking on "Something new" below and see what I mean. Of course, most of you probably already knew that.
Willie T is having lots problems with her hips.
Much of the Richardson clan is traveling. Does anyone have an update????
TIP: I've just discovered that you can view a post and its comments better by clicking on the underlined title. Try clicking on "Something new" below and see what I mean. Of course, most of you probably already knew that.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Something new
Well, this is an experiment to encourage even better closeness and communication among us at New Georgia. I'm hoping that this blog will be a place where we can post updates on the sick, those who need prayers, or just talk about what's going on in our lives. Feel free to comment and add your 2 cents. I think that you should be able to comment by clicking on the "comments" link below. If you want your comment to appear on this page, click on "new post" above (you might have to sign up for a google account to do this).
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