Friday, November 30, 2007

Geral's Birthday

Geral's birthday is Tuesday, Dec. 4 and we were going to try to have birthday cake at the nursing home around 6:30 that evening, if anyone else would like to/be able to come. We will try to use the same room we did this in before a few years ago. I don't think he would really need or have room for any gifts. He doesn't eat sweets or snacks hardly at all. Our attention would probably be the gift he would enjoy the most! Also, does anyone have any information on Willie T?


Tim B. said...

I agree with Tonya. Geral really appreciates any attention or time that is spent recognizing him. I hope every one is doing well.

Steve said...

The gathering for Geral's birthday sounds great. Hopefully Sandi or I will be able to come (while the other one sits with Mom).
Willie T's surgery went well. She came home late Friday night. She said that she doesn't seem to be hurting in her back like she was.