Thursday, January 31, 2008


Ann is scheduled to go to the hospital Sunday night at 12:00 to be induced. Let's keep her and the baby and Doris in our prayers!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sarah's Surgery

Hi everyone! I know it is late, but I wanted to let everyone know that my niece, Sarah, will be having her adnoids (sp?) removed tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 7:30. She will also have her left sinus flushed out. Please keep her in your prayers. Also, say a prayer for Chris and Hope. It is very hard to have your baby be put to sleep for surgery. I hope everyone is doing well. How is Elaine doing?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Update from the James Cagle family

Mother just called from Birmingham. Carolyn is out of surgery. Dr. said everything went well. Aubrey is still breaking out with chicken pox. She had the vaccine at 1, so she is only having a mild case. Dr. said to expect around 50 spots. Keith said she is growing feathers! :) He had a touch of the stomach bug yesterday. Better today. Haley has moved in with my parents - she doesn't want the diseases! HA! :) Have a good week!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's COLD!!!

I just thought I would see if this works.

I hope everyone is staying warm today. I hear we may be getting even colder weather tomorrow and this weekend. Don't anybody get sick, ya hear?

I thought I might let everyone know that I won't be at services Sunday. John and I plan to go to Auburn to visit his parents for the MLK holiday this weekend. We will be attending services somewhere down there. I will miss all of you, though.

I hope Sommer is feeling better and that Katie is being a good nurse.

How did Mr. Beavers' knee surgery go? I re-learned from his grandson, Drew Miller (also grandson of Don and Brenda Miller, with whom I stay), that Mr. Beavers was having his surgery a couple of days ago. Small world, huh?

Ok. I'll quit. I hope you all have a wonderful week and stay really, really warm.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Deal With Sommer (Part 2)

As we announced today, Sommer had a fall on a sailboat and cracked a rib. When she went to the doctor to have it checked this afternoon, he pushed on the rib and broke it. She spent this evening in the emergency room getting checked out. X-rays and CT scan showed no signs of complications like a punctured lung, so they sent her home, but she's in a lot of pain. Please keep her and and her mom in prayer.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Russell's grandfather, Christy's grandmother

Russell's grandfather, Jimmy Casteel, and Christy's grandmother, Gladys Traylor, both passed away last night. Visitation for Christy's grandmother will be Thursday night and the funeral will be Friday. Not sure about Russell's grandfather's arrangements yet.....

Monday, January 7, 2008

Willie T's phone

Just wanted everyone to know, Mother (Willie T.) has decided to cancel her home phone and use our phone number 247-0096. This will be effective on Wednesday, Jan. 9. This will help her because she can use the caller ID before she answers and not be bothered by the solicitors anymore. Wanted everyone to have her new number.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The deal with Sommer

Sommer finally headed back to Florida today (Saturday). She'd planned to leave Thursday, but stayed an extra couple of days because of health concerns. She'd been having stomach problems (nausea, etc.) since before coming home for the holidays. The doctor thought it could be a side effect of some medication she's taking, so he changed the medicine. But her stomach problems continued, and even got worse over the last couple of weeks. She lost about 8 lbs over the holidays! Anyway, she went back to the Doc this past Thursday. They ran tests on her gallbladder Thursday and Friday but everything came back normal. So, now they've started her on some ulcer meds, but the doctor isn't sure that's really the problem.
Just thought I'd let everyone know what's going on with her. Keep her on your prayer list!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a good time last night. Byron is still in bed, or I would ask him if he had fun! I hope everyone has a wonderful year, full of happiness and good health. You are all a wonderful family! Let's all remember to pray for Ann and her baby.