Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's COLD!!!

I just thought I would see if this works.

I hope everyone is staying warm today. I hear we may be getting even colder weather tomorrow and this weekend. Don't anybody get sick, ya hear?

I thought I might let everyone know that I won't be at services Sunday. John and I plan to go to Auburn to visit his parents for the MLK holiday this weekend. We will be attending services somewhere down there. I will miss all of you, though.

I hope Sommer is feeling better and that Katie is being a good nurse.

How did Mr. Beavers' knee surgery go? I re-learned from his grandson, Drew Miller (also grandson of Don and Brenda Miller, with whom I stay), that Mr. Beavers was having his surgery a couple of days ago. Small world, huh?

Ok. I'll quit. I hope you all have a wonderful week and stay really, really warm.


Jena said...

I hope you have a nice weekend. You stay warm, too. From the looks of things right now (it is coming a mini-blizzard), you should stay home with your mama where it is safe!

I talked to Jerry the night he came home from surgery and he was in considerable less pain than he was before surgery. Natalie and Caleb told Ashley at school (she was subbing for Layne) that he was already walking around at the dog kennels.

Hope to see everyone tonight,

Tonya said...

We will miss you Sunday. Hope you have fun though. Wasn't the snow beautiful? Maybe we will get some more. Could someone give me Sommer's mailing address?

Steve said...

You can get mail to Sommer c/o
Florida College
119 N. Glen Arven
Temple Terrace, FL 33617

I talked to Evelyn today and she is doing well after her eye surgery. She said she doesn't need her glasses for the eye they fixed, but she does for the other eye... she's supposed to have it fixed in a couple of weeks.