Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lots of sickness!

For those who were not able to be at services Wednesday night.... you were not alone! Seems that there's a cold going around that several people have caught.
Besides that, Doris was with Ann, who was admitted to ECM because of her high blood pressure and because the doctor thought the baby was stressed. They're giving Ann steroids to boost the baby's lung development in case he comes early. The baby's situation seemed better this morning, and Ann is hoping to come home tonight.
Phil's dad, Glen Keenon, was in Huntsville Hospital with congestive heart failure, but he was improving as of Wednesday night.
Jerry is having a lot of pain in his knee; he was to see the doctor today to get the results from an MRI and discuss treatment -- probably surgery.
Sure hope the sick improve and the well stay that way!


Jena said...

Thanks, Steve, for keeping us up-to-date on what is going on. I usually check our blog at least once a day to see if there is any news.

Grandmama Elaine has a doctor's appointment today - just a regular visit, but it will be difficult for her to be out in the rainy weather. Not that I'm complaining! The rain is so welcome and I thank God for the blessing.


Beth said...

Hi everyone! I am new to this. Hope it works! We have a few sick ones in our family. Mom woke up today with the nasty stomach virus. Gavin, Marilyn's youngest grandson, is in the hospital with RSV. A few of her other grandchildren have the stomach virus also.
Has anyone heard from Ann?

Steve said...

Ann got to come home Thursday night. She is doing OK, but is confined to rest at home.
Jerry is scheduled for knee surgery on January 14th.
Hope to see ya'll tomorrow!

Tonya said...

I check the blog often also, and think it is a great way to stay in touch. I thought we had two great lessons yesterday. I need to work on all those things, and will try to do better in 2008. Hope to see everyone tonight at Celia's.

donna said...

Hi! Just testing. Donna

Ashley said...

Just thought I'd say hi. The blog is a good idea and I check it pretty regularly, also. Hope everyone can make it to the get together tonight - I'm sure it will be fun!