Monday, May 11, 2009

Eugene and James Cagle Family Update

Uncle Eugene has had a heart attack. He is in CCU at ECM in stable condition. His right artery was 100% blocked and his left is partially blocked. They put 3 stints in his right artery. I will update as I learn more.

Dandan (James) is probably going to get to come home tomorrow (Tuesday). I spent the night with him last night and he is gaining strength back. His blood sugar is good, as well as his BP. Dr. Schreeder, his oncologist, believes the bleeding is from the upper GI and was made worse because of his blood thinner. He does not think a colonoscopy will be necessary. He is eating solid food and has had all tubes disconnected from him! He is so glad to be able to move around freely!

Mammaw (Willa Jean) had some physical therapy this morning. She is still very weak, but is trying her best to get better. She said Saturday how much she misses her Sunday school class!

Please continue to pray for all of them.


Derrick said...

Thanks for the update, we will keep them all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Beth, I appreciate your taking the time to update us. We will definitely be praying for you all. Donna