Sunday, October 28, 2007

Good day!

We had a good day today. It was great to see the 23 extra Cagles there this morning. Willa Jean told them that's what she wanted for her 80th birthday!
Amy, Lana and Sandi were all out tonight with migraines -- must be something in the Fall air.
Brian was telling me after church that his grandmother Carol Drain has ovarian cancer. They were able to remove about 90% of it, but didn't get it all apparently. He's going to see her in Waycross, GA later this week.
I overheard that the Richardsons are on their way back, and they went to church in Dumas, TX today. Seems like they've been gone forever!
Thanks to all the ladies for the gifts for my Mom. I think we'll give her one each day -- a daily pick-me-up. BTW, anyone who wants to stop in and visit with Mom is welcome anytime. She usually naps from about 1:00 to 3:30 every afternoon, but other than that, she'd be up to see anyone anytime.
We've got lots of things to pray about and to be thankful for.

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