Saturday, November 10, 2007


This is Ashley (I'm writing from my mother's account until I can get my own up and running) and I just wanted to let everyone know that some of us thought that it was time that we had a pot luck. We have the lunchroom at LCHS reserved for Saturday night, November 17th - I hope this is a convenient date for everyone to come. Bring a dish and/or a drink (There is an ice machine in the lunchroom). Also, bring any games that you may want to play. We plan to eat around 6:00. Please help me pass the word to others so that everyone is included. Hope to see you there!


donna said...

That's great, Ashley. Hope we have a good crowd.

Steve said...

It sounds like fun, but I'm afraid Sandi and I probably won't get to make it. We've got a short trip planned for Saturday. Don't eat too much! :-)